Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2nd Day on Eltroxcin

It's another good day for me. I woke up early and I feel more headaches and muscle cramps.

It's my second day to take my regular meds- 150mcg Eltroxcin. Weird because I'm too excited to take it. For the last 5 years, I feel taking this-aside from being a routine, has really no effect on me. Well now I know and I will never ever want to skip taking it hehe

I'm starting to feel several changes in my body:

- I'm slowly starting to have control of my tongue so hopefully I'll be able to speak normal again in no time - no more slurring.

- I started to have regular bowel movement

- Muscles are starting to loosen up....though they are still a bit stiff than usual.

I'ts good also that I decided to go out of town. Gives me time to think and relax.

Good is good....all the time.

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