Friday, May 29, 2015

The PRC list..... #Miracle

It's 3:41 am now and I'm in Taipei, Taiwan with my Boss and officemates. Still couldn't contain the happiness of seeing #2344 with my name in this list from the Professional Regulations Commission or PRC : 

Since January this year, I've been patiently and diligently attending the comprehensive review class for Real Estate just to get a license for me to practice Real Estate Brokerage.

I prayed so hard esp after the board exams last sunday. 

I've taken lots of tests in my life, but this is definitely one, if not THE hardest so far. 

Can't wait to share the good news with my family. I want to hug them all now!

This only shows that there is still that thing called a Miracle! And I thank God for this new blessing. I love you Lord. I give back all the glory to you!!!!

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