Friday, June 18, 2010

Christmas 2004, New Year 2005 and My Birthday...

Going home to Manila

Unlike the previous years, going home to manila this time was very tough for me. I knew our family was going through a crisis and the last thing I want to happen is for them to feel worried. I don't want to rob them with that "joyous feeling" every Christmas season brings.

That is why I decided to just disappear.

Christmas and New Year in Lucena with my BestFriend and Family

I had several options to go for the holidays, but my BestFriend insisted that I spend it with his family in Lucena City instead.

I will forever be greatful to Ariel and the entire SONER family for alllowing me to stay with them for the next two weeks.

Spilling the Beans

After New Year, I knew the time has come for me to relay the news to my family.

I started by calling my aunt to give her a heads up.

By the time I reached Bulacan, I saw them gathered together in the living room of my aunt's house. Then I started to explain everything.

There was silence the entire time I was explaning everything. I tried to keep it as simple as possible. I was surprised because I was expecting them to over react hehe Good thing they did not since that would have made it difficult for me.

When I saw my family was ready for this, only then did I felt that I too was ready to face everything. I guess it really helps a patient to see his or her family as accepting. This helped me focus my mind and energy on what lies ahead.

My Birthday

Like my previous Birthdays, my family decided to host a party. But this time it's a Karaoke sing-along party.

It was one of my most memorable and I must admit it did crossed my mind several times that day that it could be my very last as well.

But I was wrong, for God has plans for me.

Happy Birthday to me! :-)

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