Thursday, June 17, 2010

My purpose...

"Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant" ~ Paulo Coelho

I have always assumed that I am a healthy person, a super human even. Though, I have had many episodes showing my body's vulnerability; having Cancer never ever crossed my mind....but it did happen - at the time I least expected it.

I decided to start blogging, with only two things in mind: first- to be able to help people who are undergoing the same ordeal - sharing bits and pieces of information and advices; and second- to update the people around me- my family & loved ones, friends, colleagues, and even those who are just interested to know how Cancer patients handle this disease and how Cancer-can change a person's life for the better.

As much as possible, I will try to be spontaneously simple, so that I won't bore you to death :-)

I hope my story will help you appreciate the value of having good health and start appreciating the simple - yet valuable things life has to offer....but are often taken for granted.

To God be only the glory!


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