Friday, June 18, 2010

Thyroid Cancer Survivor group - Philippines

3rd Thyroid Cancer Survivor Group - Philippines

Last September 2009, Dr. Eva Ratilla of Gipap, sent an text message to my bestfriend Ariel, who by now is also a CML patient in remission.

As far as I can remember her text goes something like this ~ "Please tell Dennis there's a Thyroid Cancer Summit at the Bayanihan Hall, Unilab compound in Mandaluyong next Saturday. He might want to attend this. Regards."

When I first learned about this, I've mixed feelings whether to go or not. Part of me was excited to go, since I know I will be able to finally meet thryroid cancer patients or survivors like myself. I knew I will be able to learn a lot from the group. I was looking forward to hearing their stories too.

However, for some strange reasons, part of me was also a bit hesitant to go. Perhaps because I was afraid I might discover new things that might shook the glass bubble that took me almost five years to get myself into. The glass bubble is labeled as "certified survivor".

I also knew that the group might need some assistance in organizing, and I knew I will not be able to resist in offering some sort of assistance should they request.

Nonetheless I went and true enough I got what I was expecting.... but it was for my own good 😊

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