Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Post RAI agenda - Relax, relax, relax

After my RAI treatment, I have one thing in mind- to Relax. That's why when I was discahrged last Monday afternoon, I drove all the way to Tagaytay :-) -So sorry to my friends for keeping this a secret. I really cannot compromise your safety. I know you will follow me if I tell you my exact location hehe that's why I decided to just tell my immediate family of my whereabouts. Following my Doctor's advice, I cannot be close to someone for more than an hour atleast for the next 5 days.

Why Tagaytay? Why not? hehe It has always been a special place for me. I love the weather! I love the food......I keep goin back to my favorite restos like Buon Giorno, Sonya's and Gourmet Cafe. I love the fresh Air. I love the picture perfect view of the Taal lake. I can go on and on and on hehe

Come 2012, I'll be 20-30 minutes close to this place.

So far I'm enjoying my stay here. Yes, I am relaxed. Thank you Lord!

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