Friday, June 18, 2010

This is the Day!

Day 2

June 18, 2010

Woke up at around 5:30am. I was told the night before that my nurse will passby around 4am to check my vitals. Maybe she noticed that I was sleeping soundly, that's why she didn't bother to wake me up.
This was Breakfast.....Eggplant with egg, Rice, and a Banana. A tea sachet was also included. So much for the sumptuous meal hehe I knew it! Didn't even finished the rice hehe
I had to eat this in a jiffy since it arrived late already. I was supposed to fast for two hours before I take the RAI capsule.
Finished eating at around 6:10am.

I fixed my stuff since I have to transfer to the isolation room before 8am.

This is it! I am ready!

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